2015  October
Call UsedCategorySchool/Club NameParticipants
W1WBB  Individual1
Primary Operator/Sponsor:
W1WBB  RI  Bill Bliss  
ScoreCW/RTTY/Dig QsPhone QsUSVEDXClubsSchools

Search and Pounce effort to only work school and club stations. New revised rules allowed me to make 8 additional contacts with stations on multiple bands, with two stations worked on multiple modes - SSB and... CW (!!). This is a positive change in the event. Great to work so many young operators on-air having fun! Present version used of N1MM+ Logger (v1.0.5221.0) did not assign points for QSOs with stations worked on multiple bands which is now allowed per new rules. Total score corrected manually.